Discord Alexa

A fast responcive bot by YxriDev#5153.

[PRO ONLY] - only pro users can use these commands.

[NSFW] - can only be used in NSFW channels.

[MOD] - can only be used by people with permissions.

[SLOW API] - the bot may take a while to get the image.


Play - Alexa play [song name]

Skip - Alexa skip

[PRO ONLY] Volume - Alexa volume [number eg: 2.5] [PRO ONLY]

Pause - Alexa pause

Resume - Alexa resume


[MOD] Ban - Alexa ban [user eg: @YxriDev#0001] [reason eg: broke rule #1] [MOD]

[MOD] Kick - Alexa kick [user eg: @YxriDev#0001] [reason eg: broke rule #1] [MOD]

[MOD] Mute - Alexa mute [user eg: @YxriDev#0001] [reason eg: spamming] [MOD]


[NSFW] Lewd-nekos - Alexa lewd-nekos [NSFW]

[NSFW] Pussy - Alexa pussy [NSFW]

[NSFW] 4k - Alexa 4k [NSFW]

[NSFW] Boobs - Alexa boobs [NSFW]

[NSFW] Gif - Alexa gif [NSFW]

[NSFW] Penis - Alexa penis [NSFW]

[NSFW] Tentacle - Alexa tentacle [NSFW]


Stats - Alexa stats

Ping - Alexa ping

Meme - Alexa meme

Neko - Alexa neko

[SLOW API] Cat - Alexa cat [SLOW API]

Dog - Alexa dog


These commands have not yet been developed.


[PRO ONLY] ms-to-time - converts the provided miliseconds to time.[PRO ONLY]

[PRO ONLY] time-to-ms - converts the provided time to miliseconds. [PRO ONLY]

[PRO ONLY] Say - says the provided message in a normal message. [PRO ONLY]

[PRO ONLY] Saye - says the provided message in am embed. [PRO ONLY]

Pro - shows the link to the patron page.